Central Equipment Identity Register | Mobile tracking system CEIR set for pan-India launch

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Central Equipment Identity Register: CEIR, short for Central Equipment Identity Register, is an upcoming system in India that allows individuals to block and track their lost or stolen mobile phones. It is set for a pan-India launch, with the Union government planning to roll it out across the country.

The purpose of CEIR is to simplify the reporting process for lost or stolen mobile phones and prevent their unauthorized use. Users will be able to check the status of their request to block a lost or stolen phone and even unblock the device if it is later found.

The Centre for Development of Telematics (CDoT), an autonomous telecom research and development center under the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), has conducted a pilot of the CEIR system in select telecom circles, including Delhi, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and the North-East. During the pilot, CDoT added features to detect the use of cloned mobile phones across all telecom operators.

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To utilize CEIR for blocking or tracking their stolen phone, users will need to follow a specific procedure:

  1. File a First Information Report (FIR) for the lost phone.
  2. Visit the CEIR website at ceir.gov.in.
  3. Request the blocking of the lost/stolen mobile by providing details such as the mobile number, IMEI number(s) (in case of dual-SIM phones), phone company, phone model, personal details (name, address, ID card details), and where the phone was stolen or misplaced.
  4. Submit the form

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Upon receiving these details, the CEIR system will block the phone, and the police may also use the provided information to trace the device.

Please note that the information provided above is based on the available details at the time of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it is advisable to refer to official sources or news articles about the CEIR system’s launch and functionality in India.

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